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Volume conversion

Volume measurement conversion formula

The cost of shipping LCL cargo (less than an entire container) is calculated based on volume or weight and billed in Revenue Tons. The basic quote is usually a dollar amount per cubic feet (cuft) or cubic meter (CBM). So in order to know how much a shipment will cost, its volume must be known. Measuring the package's dimensions and using the formula below will result in the volume.

A. Length x Width x Height (cm)x 0.0000353 = _______ Cuft (or Cubic Feet)

B. _______ Cuft ÷ 35.315 = ______ CBM (or Cubic Meter)

For example:

One shipment contains 8 boxes, each with measurements of 39.5 cm in length, 27.5 cm in width, and 23 cm

in height. How many cuft are in this shipment? How many CBM?

Each box in cubic feet

39.5*27.5*23*0.0000353=0.88 Cuft

Each box in cubic meters

0.88/35.315=0.025 CBM

There are 10 boxes in total, so multiply results by 10

Therefore, there are 8.8 cubic feet or 0.25 cubic meters

Volumetric weight conversions

Internationally accepted volumetric weight calculation formula

Length x width x height (cm) / 6000 = weight in KG